Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is Virat Kohli the next big thing?

Virat Kohli has been in superb form with his batting in 2012, having already scored a good number of ODI centuries. More importantly he has tried to be on the wicket till the end, succeeding in quite a few attempts. Everyone is going gaga on his form, temperament, attitude, technique. Many are saying, he is the next big thing in Indian cricket. So is he? Well, I am penning my opinion based on what I have observed. So here we go...

No doubt, Virat has emerged as an exciting new talent, and has already started making an impression, although it has been somewhat darkened by his so-called arrogance and antics on the field. Afterall, he has tasted success at a very young age, and the breed of people who taste success at raw age and still keep their feet on ground is fast vanishing. Perhaps, he should learn some tips from the most famous cricketer of our age how to keep himself cool and calm and take the success in his stride; referring to "aapla Sachu".

There are four main things that I consider in a sportsperson, more importantly a cricketer and even more importantly a batsman, as that's what Virat is known for.
1) Technique
2) Temperament
3) Attitude/Approach towards the game/situation
4) Hunger/Desire to excel
I would try to evaluate him (& at times compare him) on the above.

1) Technique:
There is no doubt, that Virat Kohli has the technique. He does have a wide array of strokes and often relies on text-book shots, which are almost perfect in execution. He has a good defense, however, that is yet to be tested in test matches in hostile conditions. Yes, he scored a century in last match of the Australia series. But it is not the century that matters, it is the consistency of using the right shot at the right time. It wouldn't be fair to judge him so early as he has played too less of test cricket. But for the time being his technique is quite a useful one for ODIs and T20s. His way of playing reminds more of Sachin's younger days where he would tackle the bowlers head-on and often dominate them. So presently, his technique is more than enough and he can excel in sub-continent conditions even in test matches. (4/5 for ODIs and T20s; 3/5 for Tests)
2) Temperament:
This has been a bit of problem area for Virat Kohli. You don't need a attacking player remain calm and composed every minute. There are frustrations, there are emotions and even the best of the best players are unable to control them at some stage. Even the otherwise-sage like Rahul Dravid would show some amount of frustration when he witnessed a mis-field or a dropped catch when he was the captain. But, there have been numerous occasions, where he has let go emotions without any control and that's not a good sign. People would surely misinterprete it as over-arrogance which usually comes to people who taste success at a very young age. Temperament would also mean how a player functions in testing situation and if you are not able to control your emotions, the performance get affected. He has a long way to go. (3/5)
3) Attitude/Approach toward the game/situation:
Recently, Virat has shown the maturity to play sensible cricket, bat through the innings. And that is commendable. He has quickly learnt how to keep things going, how to keep scoreboard ticking by rotating the strike and how to control big shots when not needed. All he now needs to do is to implement this knowledge in test cricket whenever he gets chance. He has always tried his best to make most of the chances he got. So I don't think he lags behind on this aspect. He has the ability to keep cool while batting & he is a thinking cricketer. (5/5)
4) Hunger/Desire to excel:
That is one aspect in which Sachin stands heads-&-shoulders above anyone who has played the game. Inspite of ruling the batting for more than 2 decades he still goes back to the nets, tries to improve upon something that he has not liked. He tries to adapt himself to various things before any series and that's why he is where he is now. I don't mean to say that Virat should follow his footsteps, but he needs to focus more on his skills in the small time he gets between two series. I am sure he is doing that. (4/5)
Total 16/20 for ODIs & T20s and 15/20 for Tests)